I have been working on my models. Theoretical framework models that is. I am pleased to announce I have one. This has taken about a year. Which seems a long time, but the framework is so fundamental to the whole project that I am glad it has taken this long. When it clicks it clicks - it is like buying a house or falling in love - you just know.
For all those who are interested I have been using a Social Model approach to disability and like many I was getting bogged down in the subsequent arguments that follow in relation to the lived experience of impairment. By having a focus on mental health it has allowed me to move one step to the side and actually find a fresh angle worth stretching round for.
Mental health is not the same ball game as disability, although there are welcome similarities. This new model places the service user at the centre of the conceptualisation of mental ill health. It moves away from diagnosis, treatment and recovery models which are positioned and pushed by professionals. In that regard it is similar to the Social Model of disability but it cannot be identical. As some service users identify a diagnosis can be hard fought over, it often offers a rational explanation for an individual's experiences and it is essential for accessing welfare support.
This new model is exciting and new and is being developed by academics, practitioners and service users/non-users. It provides me with the perfect framework within which to position my research which is not about the causes and effects of mental health issues but how to make reasonable adjustments within an educational and training setting.
I have now cleared the rug of the days work in order to free up the space I need to jump around in excitement about this.
PS - check out the blog redesign - hope it meets with approval :-)
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