Bibliography - Disability
Adams, M. and Brown, S. (Eds) Towards Inclusive Learning in Higher Education: Developing Curricula for Disabled Students. London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp.32-43
Baron, S., Philips, Rena and Stalker, Kirsten (1996). "Barriers to Training for Disabled Social Work Students." Disability and Society 11(3): 361-378.
Blankfield, S. (2001). "Thick, problematic and costly? The dyslexic student on work placement." SKILL Journal(70): 23-26.
Brown, K., Carole, James and Mackenzie, Lynette (2006). "The practice placement education experience: an Australian pilot study exploring the perpectives of health professional students with a disability." The British Journal of Occupational Therapy 69(1): 31-37.
Chapman, V. a. R. C. (2006). "Disability and the Law: A Literature Review of legislation and policy. Part Two: UK Anti Discrimination Legislation and Policy." Centre for Inclusive Learning Support, University of Worcester.
Clothier, C. (1994). Independent inquiry realting to deaths and injuries on the children’s ward at Grantham and Kesteven General Hospital during the period February to April 1991. HMSO. London.
Crawshaw, M. (2002). "Disabled people’s access to social work education." Social Work Education 21(5): 503-514
Dickens, R., Gregg, P., Wadsworth, J. (2000). “New Labour and the Labour Market.” Oxford Review of Economic Policy 16(1): 95-113
Disability Rights Commission (DRC). "Further and higher education institutions and the Disability Equality Duty Guidance for Principals, Vice-Chancellors, governing boards,
and senior managers working in further and higher education institutions in England, Scotland and Wales.". Retrieved 04/04/2010, 2010, from
Disability Rights Commission (DRC) "A Guide for Disabled Students and Learners." Retrieved 04/04/2010, 2010, from
Disability Rights Commission (2002) Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Part 4: Code of Practice for providers of Post 16 education and related services, (2002). Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Part 4: Code of Practice for providers of Post 16 education and related services. T. S. Office. Norwich.
French, S., Ed. (1994). On equal terms: working with disabled people. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
Fuller, M., Bradley, Andrew and Healey, Mick (2004). "Incorporating Disabled Students within an inclusive higher education environment." Disability and Society 19(5): 455-468.
Griffiths, L., et al. (2009). "Supporting disabled students in practice: A tripartite approach." Nurse Education in Practice
Hall, T., Healey, Mick and Harrison, Margaret (2002). "Fieldwork and Disabled Students: Discourses of Exclusion and Inclusion." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 27(2): 213-231.
Healey M., Fuller M., Bradley A., and Hall, T. (2006) Listening to stduents: the experiences of disabled students of learning at university, in Adams, M. and Brown, S. (Eds) Towards Inclusive Learning in Higher Education: Developing Curricula for Disabled Students. London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp.32-43
Healey, M., Roberts, H., Fuller, M., Georgeson, J., Hurst, A. Kelly, K., Riddell, S., and Weedon, E. (2008) ‘Reasonable adjustments and disabled students’ experiences of learning, teaching and assessment’ TLA Interchange 2
Health Professional’s Council (HPC) (2007). A disabled person’s guide to becoming a health professional: A guide for prospective registrants and admissions staff
HEFCE (2007) Circular letter number 31/2007, sent to Vice Chancellors and Principals, 15th November 2007
Higher Education funding Council for England (HEfCE). (2009). Outcomes of HEfCE review of its policy as it relates to disabled students
Holloway, S. (2001). "The Experience of Higher Education from the Perspective of Disabled Students." Disability and Society 16(4): 597-615.
Hubbard, S. (2004). "Disability studies and Health care curriculum: The great divide." Journal of Allied Health 33(3): 184-188.
Konur, O. (2002). "Access to nursing education by disabled students: rights and duties of nursing programmes." Nurse Education Today 22: 364-374.
Konur, O. (2002). "Assessment of Disabled Students in Higher Education: current public policy issues." Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 27(2): 131-152.
Konur, O. (2006). "Teaching Disabled Students in Higher Education." Teaching in Higher Education 11(3): 351-363.
Konur, O. (2007). "Computer-assisted teaching and assessment of disabled students in Higher education: the interface between academic standards and disability rights." The Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 23: 207-219.
Leathwood, C. and O’Connell, P. (2003). “’It’s a struggle’: the construction of the ‘new student’ in higher education.” Journal of Education Policy 18(6): 597-615
Lewis, B. (2002). "Widening Participation in Higher Education: The HEFCE Perspective on Policy and Progress." Higher Education Quarterly 56(2): 204-219.
MacDonald, C. and Stratta, E.(2001). "From Access to Widening Participation: responses to the changing population in Higher Education." Journal of Higher Education 25(2): 249-258.
Morris, D. K., Turnbull, Patricia, A. (2007). "The disclosure of dyslexia in clinical practice: Experiences of student nurses in the United Kingdom." Nurse Education Today 27: 35-42.
Newsham, K. R. (2008). "Disability law and health care education." Journal of Allied Health 37(2): 110-115.
Nursing and Midwifery Council. (2009). Literature Review: Reasonable adjustments in Nursing and Midwifery. London, NMC.
Oliver, M. (1990). The Politics of Disablement. London, Macmillan Education Ltd.
Prowse, S. (2009). "Institutional construction of disabled students." Journal of Higher Education Policy and management 31(1): 89-96.
Richardson, J. T. E. (2009). "The attainment and experiences of disabled students in distance education." Distance Education 30(1): 87-102.
Riddell, S., Tinklin, Teresa and Wilson, Alastair (2005). "New Labour, Social Justice and Disabled Students in Higher Education." British Educational Research Journal 31(5): 623-643.
Riddell, S., Weedon, E. Fuller, M., Healey, M., Hurst, A., Kelly, K. and Piggot, L., (2007) ‘Managerialism and equalities: tensions within widening access policies for disabled stduents in UK Universities’. Higher Education, 54, 4, 615-628
Rose, C. (2006). Do you have a disability – yes or no? Or is there a better way of asking? Guidance on disability disclosure and respecting confidentiality. LSDA. London.
Roulstone, A. (2000). “Disability, Dependency and the New Deal for Disabled People.” Disability and Society 15(3): 427-443.
Roulstone, A. and Hudson, V. (2007). "Career participation in Engalnd, Wales and Northern Ireland: A challenge for interprofessional working." Journal of Interprofessional Care 21(3): 303-317.
Roulstone, A. and Prideaux, S. (2008). "more policies, greater inclusion? Exploring the contradictions of New Labour inclusive education policy." International Studies in Sociology of Education 18(1): 15-29.
Roulstone, A. (2006). "Employing a barriers approach to monitoring disabled people's employment: implications for the Disability Discrimination Act 2005." Disability and Society 21(2): 115-131.
Ruebain, D. and H., Jo Mountfield, Helan and Parker, Camilla (2006). Prepared on behalf of the Disability Rights Commission. Analysis of the statutory and regulatory frameworks and cases relating to fitness standards in nursing, social work and teaching. London, Disability Rights Commission.
Shakespeare, T. (2000). "Disabled Sexuality: Toward Rights and Recognition." Sexuality and Disability 18(3): 159-166.
Sheldon, A., Traustadottir, R., Beresford, P., Boxall, K., and Oliver, M. (2007). "Disability Rights and Wrongs." Disability and Society 22(2): 209-234.
Sin, H.C, Fong, J., Momin, A., Forbes, V. (2007) 'Disability Rights Commission formal investigation into Fitness standards in Social Work, Nursing and Teaching profession: Report on the call for evidence. Disability Rights Commission, September 2007, London.
Sin, H. C. (2008). "Do no harm? Professional regulation of disabled nursing students and nurses in Great Britain." Journal of Advanced Nursing 62(6): 642-652.
Sin, H. C. (2009). "Regulation and practice around fitness assessment if disabled students and professionals in nursing, social work and teaching professions in Great Britain’." Disability and Rehabilitation 31(18): 1520-1528.
Department for Educational and Skills. (2002). Providing work placements for disabled students: a good practice guide for further and higher education institutions. DfES. Nottingham.
Stanley, N., Ridley, Julie, Manthorpe, Jessica Harris and Hurst, Alan (2007). Disclosing Disability: Disabled Students and practitioners in social work, nursing and teaching.’ A research study to Inform DRC Formal Investigation into Fitness standards. Social Work Research Unit. Preston, UCLAN.
Swain, J., Finkelstein, Vic, French, Sally, and Oliver, Mike, Ed. (1993). Disabling Barriers - Enabling Environments. London, Sage publications.
Tee, S. R., Owens, Kathy, Plowright, Sharon, Ramnath, Paro, Rourke, Sue, James, Claire and Bayliss, Jane (2009) (2009). "Being reasonable: Supporting disabled nursing students in practice." Nurse Education in Practice 10(11).
Tepper, M. s. (2000). "Sexuality and Disability: The missing Discourse of Pleasure." Sexuality and Disability 18(4): 283-290.
Vernon, A. (1996). "Fighting Two Different Battles: unity is preferable to enmity." Disability and Society 11(2): 285-290.
Vickerman, P. a. B., Milly (2010). "Hearing the voices of disabled students in higher education." Disability and Society 25(1): 21-32.
Weedon, E and Ridell, S (2008) ‘Disabled students and transitions in higher education’ in Ecclestone, K. (ed) in Lost in Transition: Change and Becoming Through Education and the Lifecourse London: Routledge
White, J. (2007). "Supporting nursing students with dyslexia in clinical practice." Nursing Standard 21(19): 35-42.
Wray, J., Fell,B., Stanley, N., Manthorpe, J. And Coyne, E (2005). The PEdDS Project: Disabled Social Work Students and Placement. Hull, University of Hull.
Wray, J., Gibson, H., Aspland, J. (2007) 'Research into assessments and decisions relating to 'fitness' in training, qualifying and working within Teaching, Nursing and Social Work. Disability Rights Commission.
Mental Health Bibliography
Mental Health – stigma and symptoms
Corrigan, Patrick, W., Markowitz, Fred, E., and Watson, Amy, C. ‘Structural Levels of Mental Illness Stigma and Discrimination’, Schizophrenia Bulletin, (2004) Vol. 30, No.3.
Paykel, E.S, Ramana, R., Cooper, Z., Hayhurst, H., Kerr, J., and Barocka, A. ‘Residual symptoms after partial remission: an important outcome in depression‘, Psychological Medicine (1995) 25, pp.1171-1180.
Workplace and Mental Health
Berndt, Ernst, R., Finkelstein, Stan, N., Greenberg, Paul, E., Howland, Robert, H., Keith, Alison, Rush, John, A., Russell, James, Keller, Martin, B., ‘Workplace performance effects from chronic depression and its treatment’, Journal of Health economics, 17 (1998) 511-535
Goldberg, Richard, J., Steury, Steven, ‘Depression in the Workplace: Costs and Barriers to Treatment.’ Psychiatric Services, (2001), Vol. 52, No.12.
Kessler, Ronald, C., Barber, Catherine, Birnbaum, Howard, G., Frank, Richard, G., Greenberg, Paul, E., Rose, Robert, Simon, Gregory, Wang, Philip. ‘Depression in the Workplace: Effects On Short-Term Disability, Health Affairs, (September/October 1999)
Stansfield, Stephen, ‘Work, personality and mental health’, The British Journal of Psychiatry, (2002) 181, 96-98.
Social Workers and Mental Health
Caan, Woody, Stanley, Nicky, Manthorpe, Jill, ‘Depression and persistent effects on work: an ‘expert patient’ survey of 500 social workers.’ Journal of Public Mental Health Vol. 5, issue 4. DATE?
McLean, John, ’Employees with Long Term Illness or Disabilities in the UK Social Services Workforce.’ Disability and Society (2003) Vol.18, No.1, pp.51-70
Theoretical Framework
Beresford, Peter, Nettle, Mary and Perring, Rebecca, Towards a Social Model of madness and distress? Exploring what service users say. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, November 2010.
Beresford, Peter, ‘Thinking about ‘mental health’: Towards a social model’, Journal of Mental Health (2002) 11, 6, 581-584
Beresford, Peter, ‘Service Users’ Knowledges and Social Work Theory: Conflict or Collaboration?, British Journal of Social Work (2000) 30, 489-503
Duggan, Maria with Cooper, Andrew and Foster, Judy, Modernising the Social Model in Mental Health: a discussion paper, Social Perspectives Network, SPN paper 1, January (2002) (reprint April, 2003)
Social Perpectives Network for modern mental health, ‘‘Integration of Health and Social Care’: Promoting social care perspectives within mental health services’. Notes from SPN Study Day 20th April 2004, SPN paper 6,
Social Perspectives Network for modern mental health, ‘Where you stand affects you point of view. Emancipatory approaches to mental health research.’ Notes from SPN Study Day 12th June 2003, SPN paper 4,